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Ysgol Gynradd Croesty

Croesty Primary School


  • Remembrance Day 2018

    Mon 12 Nov 2018 M Kaye

    A very big thank you to the children who represented the school for us in this year's Remembrance Parade. Tom, Katie, Abigail, Evie, Ffion, Cora, Alex, Bryan, Ellie, Ruby, Cordilia, Grace,Toby and Morgan took part in this historic event for us and perhaps there will not be a similar occasion until 2039/2045 with the beginning and end of the Second World War.

    The children each wore a sash bearing the name of one soldier from Pencoed who went out to fight in the Great War and who never came back.

    The Revd. Hodges drew attention to the statistics for those lost in the Great War estimated at ten million troops and a further seven million civilians - truly shocking numbers only eclipsed by an estimated eighty million civilians and military personnel lost in World War 2. The figure becomes even more alarming when we realise that there are just over sixty million people in Britain today.

  • KS2 Visit to St Athan

    Sun 11 Nov 2018 M Kaye

    Some of our junior children had been invited to RAF St Athan to explore the base and to help them with their confidence and team building skills. They had a fantastic day exploring aircraft in and outside one of the maintenance hangers. One of the planes, a Percival Pembroke actually flew President Richard Nixon to Cuba at the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s.

    The children were also able to explore some of the military vehicles at the base. Here are some quotes from the children after making the visit:

    'I loved RAF St Athan because it was so brilliant' Kamile

    'My favourite part of the day was when we had a photo on the RAF trucks' Imogen

    'I liked everything about the day but my favourite things were sitting in the trucks and giving a salute in the end' Jayden

    'I loved everything. I had a fantastic day with my friends' Ethan

    'When we went to St Athans I enjoyed playing games with Rob because I find teamwork games really fun. When we were all trying to get under the rope it was really hard!' Abigail


    There are more pictures to see in the web site gallery


  • What’s Your Yellow Jersey Ambition?

    Wed 07 Nov 2018 M kaye

    Lucy has had some fantastic news. After a lot of hard work and training she has made it into the National Welsh Gymnastics Squad, and she will now train at the National Sports Arena Wales in Sofia Gardens in Cardiff. Well done Lucy!
