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Ysgol Gynradd Croesty

Croesty Primary School


  • Eco Schools Status

    Sun 30 Jun 2019 M Kaye

    Eco Schools Status and Supporting Future School Events

    The school has gained three Eco Schools Flags and we are now gearing up to achieve the fourth and final Platinum Award during the next academic year. We held an exhibition to celebrate and chart our journey so far on the 19th of June during our Open Classroom Evening and we were really pleased that so many of you came along to have a look. However, our work in this area is not just about getting flags and awards; more we want to change to the habits and mindset so that our children can grow up and enjoy all the things that we have enjoyed about this our fantastic world. Last year for the first time 40% of the human race used more of the world's resources than can ever be replaced. We are facing a global animal extinction event which has lead David Attenborough to describe humanity as a plague on the Earth. We've heard so much about plastic pollution but let's not forget that our thirst for energy is causing changes to our climate which will have a detrimental impact on world food production. How much food do we all throw away each week? Scientists across the world think we really are reaching a tipping point and if we don't start to Respect our world our disrespectful activities will make these changes irreversible. We can however, make some changes if we all come together and do our bit.

    This is sports day and fete season. We'll be providing refreshments but from now on please bring your own cups, mugs and bottles. Please don't drop any litter - please take it home with you and recycle it.
